Dekro Partners with Won Life

Won Life is a registered non-profit organisation passionate about positively influencing the delivery of quality education in the under-resourced community of Fisantekraal. To this end, we have four education-based projects operating in the community.

The Won Life Early Learning Centre continues to deliver excellent, holistic Grade R education to 120 children each year in order to lay the foundations that will set these little people up for future school success. The Won Life Literacy Centre is an interactive, volunteer-driven English literacy support programme which continues to inspire and equip children to enjoy reading, writing and speaking in English. This ensures that the children on it are equipped with critical comprehension skills that are key to their academic success. Our Teacher Mentorship Programme continues to equip and support teachers in an under-resourced environment to deliver quality education to the children in their care. Our High School Programme continues to connect Fisantekraal High School with opportunities that add value to the young people in their care and our High School Education Centre continues to provide a safe space in which teens are able to complete their homework, projects and studying in a conducive environment under the encouraging supervision of adult facilitators, thereby walking a journey with them to stay in school and obtain a strong Matric.

We are so thankful for our partnership with Dekro, who generously provide paint and painting hardware for our annual paint projects across all four of our programmes. These paint projects occur at both our Won Life building, which houses our Early Learning Centre and Education Centre, as well as at our Literacy Centre, which is on the premises of Trevor Manuel Primary School. In so doing, Dekro plays an integral role in helping us to maintain educational environments of excellence that communicate value to the children in our care.

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