Expert Painting Advice

Building Defects Checklist

The golden rule to any paint project is to know that paint is not only a paint. The key is to get an expert like Dekro Paints to provide you with a detailed specification and remedial repair recommendations. The coatings you will require is solemnly dependent on the surface conditions and environment of your building.

Our Technical Representatives regularly visit properties and buildings to access the coating requirements. Most of these assessments notes structural and building defects that affects the performance of the coatings.

The most common issues that affects the longevity of external coatings with some sound remedial repair advice are listed below.

Waterproofing Termination

Check the termination of flashings, that is normally where roof structures tie into the buildings.

Install new flashings or repair acrylic flashing systems with the correct waterproofing products.

Dekro Hydroclad is a very successful waterproofing termination treatment system with 10 Year No Maintenance Warranty.

Parapets and Horizontal Surfaces

This is one of the most single neglected areas on newly build properties.

Parapets and horizontal surfaces requires a fibre re-enforced acrylic copolymer coating that is designed to stretch and is water and water-vapour resistant.

Use Dekro Fibre Reinforced on any surface where ponding water might be possible.

Weep Holes

Weep holes are the gaps left between some bricks in external masonry walls.

They serve two important purposes:

  • Ventilation of the internal wall cavity – Without ventilation water ingress into the inner skin can cause dampness and mildew (mould) growth. Inadequate ventilation is the main cause of “Leaky Building Syndrome”.
  • Drainage – Water that enters the cavity due to capillary action, condensation, damage, or accidental flooding needs to escape somewhere.

Weep Holes must be correctly positioned and functioning to prevent moisture ingress and paint failure to the external façade. Weep Holes are the most common cause for Alkali Burn and Efflorescence visible on external painted surface where high moisture levels are prevalent. Weep Holes should be drilled open without damaging the DPC (Damp Proof Course) and preferably by a competent contractor.

Masonry Joint Seals

Successfully sealing joints, such as control joints and around Aluminium door and window frames, in plastered masonry walls depends on the overall design and construction of the entire building.

Movement joints are needed in some masonry walls to accommodate drying shrinkage, thermal movements, and movements between different building components.

Movement joints, joints around doors and penetrations, and isolation joints rely on joint sealants to help preserve the overall weather-tightness of the building.

Remedial repairs are not limited to only these items.

This is a great cost saver before you try and purchase any decorative coating and want to start painting.

Chat to a Dekro Paint expert for this and more great advice you may need to complete your next project.
