Low-cost Housing Coatings

Certified for Supporting & Promoting Socio-Economic Development in SA

An Agrément South Africa certificate is awarded to suppliers that support and promote the process of integrated socio-economic development in South Africa by facilitating the introduction, application and utilisation of satisfactory innovation and technology development, in a manner which will add value to the process to enhance Agrément South Africa`s for the assessment and certification of innovative non-standardised construction products, systems, materials, components and processes, which are not fully covered by a South African Bureau of Standard, standard or code of practice.

*Make sure to contact us for more information on (021) 903 3131

A-GAIN Paint Holder

A-GAIN Waterbased AR Primer

Amoriguard A-GAIN WATERBASED AR PRIMER is an environmentally friendly ultra-matte Alkali resistant primer for application onto cements plasters where good alkali resistance is required.
Concrete | Eco-friendly | Exterior | Plaster | Waterproof
A-GAIN Paint Holder

A-GAIN WB Plaster Primer

Amoriguard A-GAIN WB PLASTER PRIMER is an ecomomical waterbased plaster primer with moderate Alkali resistance.
Concrete | Eco-friendly | Exterior | Plaster | Waterproof
A-GAIN Paint Holder

A-GAIN Topcoat

Amoriguard A-GAIN TOPCOAT is an environmentally friendly, ultra matt, finely textured coating. While suitable for both interior and exterior use, it is most commonly used externally.
Concrete | Eco-friendly | Exterior | Filler | Matt | Plaster | Waterproof
A-GAIN Paint Holder

A-GAIN Exterior Filler

Amoriguard A-GAIN EXTERIOR FILLER is a grey powdered crack filler based on a blend of grey cement blended with recycled wastes and other mineral fillers.
Concrete | Crack Filler | Eco-friendly | Exterior | Filler | Plaster | Waterproof


Sheerflex should be used where outstanding durability and waterproofing properties are required. Sheerflex is designed to cover hair cracks on old and crazed plaster.
Acrylic | Concrete | Crack Filler | Exterior | Plaster | Waterproof



Responsible paint manufacturers constantly search for new ways to minimise harmful chemicals used in the formulation of their products . By reducing, or removing these harmful substances; VOC’s, APEO, MEG, Glycol, and Formaldehyde, the quest for significantly greener coatings can be achieved. Amoriguard A-Gain Topcoat is an environmentally friendly ultra matt, finely textured coating containing more than 50% recycled materials.

Being formulated below critical PVC most of the voids between pigments and fillers are filled with solid binder as opposed to air, resulting in excellent waterproofing ability, while still maintaining some degree of water vapour permeability and allowing some water vapour to escape through the dry film.

Amoriguard is committed to conserving our Environment by developing and marketing Decorative Paint Coatings and Systems that are both sustainable and eco-friendly.

Staying with the recycled concept and reusing as much as possible A-GAIN their products will be packed into buckets made from 100% recycled plastic and their clients will be encouraged to recycle these buckets once emptied, or to return them to the factory for recycling.
