Marine Coatings DIY: A Comprehensive Guide

The Marine Coating range is not only specifically developed for the Marine industry but also can be used in the commercial and DIY markets. Below are a few ideas on where these coatings can be used.

Epicon T-500, a high build type epoxy coating, has excellent physical properties such as adhesion, toughness, abrasion resistance, etc. as well as chemical resistance to salt-water, fresh water, petroleum products, crude oil, alkalis and weak acids. It is suitable as a protective coating for tank interiors.

It is also a food grade coating for storage of liquids and solids as per FDA regulations.

Epicon T-500 can be used on concrete floors and because the coating can affect the quality and taste of pet food and for this reason the Vetsmart shops use our coatings for their annual refurbishments.

Bannoh 500, is a multi-purpose primer, which gives excellent physical properties such as toughness, abrasion resistance and adhesion, etc., and has excellent flexibility, resistance to water and cathodic protection.

It is suitable for floors where the existing coating is suspect and good adhesion is required where vinyl flooring, tiles or previous epoxy coatings has been removed.

Bannoh 500 was used on the factory floors at TCI Apparel when the existing coating failed due to incorrect coatings applied. Bannoh 500 limited the possibilities of delamination even if preparation of the surface was not optimal.

Unymarine, based on polyurethane resin, has excellent gloss retention, durability and chemical resistance, etc.

Unymarine is recommended as a glossy finish and is suitable for protection of steel surfaces .It is suitable for protection of outside structures where superior durability is required.

Tired of using stoep enamels or other floor coatings that is prone to peeling?

Acri 700 is chemical resistant and therefore longer lasting than ordinary single pack floor coatings that deteriorate due to chemical attack.

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