Church Square House

Task: Exterior Repair and Redecoration

Products Used:


  • Hydrowash Fungicidal
  • Rippletouch / Hydrotex
  • Fibre Reinforced
  • Wash Primer
  • Plaster & Masonry Primer


Main Finish

  • Allroof
  • Pure Velvet


Church Square House

Is a 12-story high-rise building in Cape Town situated in front of the Groote Kerk at the intersection of Parliament and Spin Streets.

Situated on the corner of a busy and tourist intersection, the building had lost its outer appearance and needed a new zest of life without taking away the significance of the history of the old slave market.


Project Details

Sky Riders were selected to undertake the redecoration of Church Square House. David Evans and his team did not disappoint. With rope access been the only means of redecorating this gem, thorough and extensive planning was done prior to the commencement of the remedial repairs, and coating application as pedestrians and traffic had to be taken into consideration at this busy intersection.

Not only did the client have a challenging task of convincing the trustees and the tenants of his envision for a black exterior, but specified products were also required. With the substrates varying from cement to aluminium to PVC, this was more than just another quick paint job.

Teaming up with Dekro Paints, a specification was provided for products that would be durable, colour fast, prevent alkalinity and be able to withstand the ever changing climate.

Church Square House now has a new lease of life and stands proudly next to Jan Hendrick Hofmeyr & the remembrance columns in Church Square.

̽All coatings were applied as per specification requirements and required DFT’s were reached on all substrates.

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