
Galv-Etch is an acid / detergent solution, designed to etch new galvanized surfaces simultaneously with the emulsification of surface contaminants i.e. prefabricators protective coating. Galv-Etch requires a wet reaction period of 10 – 15 minutes before rinsing clean.

Standard Aluminium

Ready mixed leafing aluminium paint. General purpose high lustre aluminium. Protective coating for iron, steel, wood and other surfaces. Improves illumination. Reflects heat.
Sanding Sealer (Clear)

Sanding Sealer (Clear)

Sanding Sealer is a Nitro Cellulose Sealer for natural wood or veneers where a clear coating is desired in order to enhance the natural beauty of wood grain.
Sealer | Wood

Eggshell Enamel

High quality Eggshell Enamel for interior use. Superb appearance with a uniform eggshell gloss, good build and opacity.

Galv Prep

An acid / detergent solution, designed to clean, etch and prepare new or weathered galvanized surfaces simultaneously with the emulsification of surface contaminants i.e. prefabricators protective coating.
Cleansing | Metal