Water Saving Maintenance Tips & Tricks

Potable Water Tanks – Maintenance


Water savings can be done by regularly maintaining your potable water tanks. If tanks are treated with corrosive preventative products the possibility of leakage will be minimised. Potable water tanks must be lined with certified coatings recommended for the treatment of potable water.

Dekro Paints has a wide variety of tank linings and certified food grade coatings for these applications.





Water Catchment Systems – Maintenance


With water restrictions on the increase in the Western Cape there are many ways to restrict the amount of potable water used. One easy system to install is water recycling system that catches rainwater from your roofs.

Gutters can be lined with a variety of waterproofing, polyurethane or acrylic coating systems to make sure that every drop is accounted for and safely stored for usage.






Save Energy to Save Water


Power plants use vast amount of water to cool their systems and by cutting the amount of energy we use through air-conditioning the more water we will save.

By applying heat reflective coatings to our roof structures we can reduce temperatures inside our properties by 25% indirectly adding to a reduction in water usage.
