Waterproofing: Curse or Cure?

Waterproofing is a construction measure designed to prevent water from damaging a building or property. It can be done during or after building work to protect the structure from water damage caused by rain, moisture and leaks.

A concrete flat roof is a great structure, as it is a life time product. It is a structure that must have a waterproofing system that is manufactured specifically for this purpose and with adequate falls water gets repelled from the surface limiting the possibility of moisture ingress

A torch on system should be fitted by heat fusion only and by qualified personal that are trained in this field. The problem arises when the guarantee period has expired and leaks are experienced into the substrate. Contractors avoid patch repairs to these systems as most often than not the leaks reappear or the area repaired was never the cause of the moisture ingress.

To remove the existing system completely is always very costly and what if there was a way to encapsulate old waterproofing systems?

Dekro Paints has various waterproofing solutions and our Hydroclad waterproofing system is specifically designed to encapsulate where the substrate is still sound.

Hydroclad is a self-cleaning, highly durable, copolymer based coating which cures to form a tightly adherent, decorative weatherproof membrane. As a waterborne-system, it is free from strong odour and toxic risk and may be cleaned with using only water on brushes and spray equipment. The Hydroclad membrane will tolerate thermal movement in the substrate without splitting or cracking and will retain its elastomeric properties even after prolonged exposure to ultra-violet light. Hydroclad’s chemical and pollution-resistant surface has been specially engineered to shed dirt, ensuring it retains a bright, attractive appearance throughout its life. It’s vapour permeable and allows entrapped substrate moisture to escape without causing blistering or delamination. It may be reinforced with chopped strand matt and is capable of bridging cracks or joints between different substrates. Finally, it produces an effective barrier to carbon dioxide diffusion and therefore provides reinforced concrete with an excellent defence against harmful effects of carbonation.  Hydroclad can be applied directly over heat fused torch o nwith a suitable primer (Hydrolock Primer)

Hydrolock Primer is a rapid curing, water based primer consisting of two components; a pre-reacted epoxy resin dispersed in water (Part A), and a waterborne modified polyamine solution (Part B). In its wet mixed state, it is milky green and slightly viscous. Hydrolock is suitable for use on most sound and eroded building surfaces where both a penetrative and surface-lying effect is needed. Substrates include concrete (including damp and partially cured cementitious renders, screeds and mortars, bituminous surfaces (eg. asphalt), roofing felts, insulation foams, wooden protrusions, previously painted surfaces, glass reinforced polyester prior to re-coating. The product’s rapid curing properties allow faster contract completion and consequent savings on site/labour costs.

The advantages of Hydroclad Waterproofing Solution is…

Elongation 150% unreinforced which increase elongation recovery

350 Microns Dry Film Thickness

Accelerated Weathering : DEF1053 (Standard Methods Of Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer And Related Products /UK Ministry of Defence standards/ @ 1000 hours; ASTM G53 (Practice for Operating Light- and Water-Exposure Apparatus (Fluorescent UV-Condensation Type) for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials @ 5000 hours and infrared and UV 400 hours.

Ageing Test : Unaffected after 6 months exposure to 80C (14 days exposure equates to approximately 1 years normal weathering).

Water vapour permeability : Compliant with British Standards test 317 (temperate) at 315 mic 3.7 g/m2 /day Compliant with British Standards test 317 (temperate) at 420 mic 2.7 g/m2 /day

Service Temperature : -50o C to +80o C no change to appearance. or flexibility after five days freeze/thaw cycling.

Impact resistance : Withstands 5mm indentation without damage to film

Chemical resistance : Standard 10 % solution of acids and alkalis failed to breakdown after 7 days total immersion. Salt spray DEF/1053 – 3 weeks, no surface deterioration or loss of flexibility.

Anti-Carbonation : Equivalent carbonation barrier to 1820 metres of air (Effective barrier = 50 metres)

To encapsulate weather waterproofing should not be curse and if you follow Dekro Paints cure you will increase the life expectancy of your surfaces with cost effective waterproofing solutions.

Fore more information contact me at jpfeyt@dekro.co.zav
