Why is Waterproofing Important?

Waterproofing is as important as the foundation of a property. It keeps everything stable and protected. It’s important to think about waterproofing at the star of any project as poor planning and execution will cause many problems for your property.

What’s the Use?
Waterproofing prevents moisture ingress into the various building substrates. If you opt for waterproofing solutions while you’re constructing a new building, the compounds will better adhere to the substrates on the project.  It is always better to pay a little more in advance or start of construction than wasting money and time with unnecessary repairs later.

So why use Dekro?
Dekro Paints continuously develops new and advanced waterproofing systems to waterproof various substrates as cost effectively as possible.  For more information regarding our extensive waterproofing solutions email to info@dekro.co.za re: waterproofing solutions.
