Environmental Policy

Dekro, a quality paint and resin producer, is committed to striving for excellence in all we do. We recognise that our operations may impact on our people and our environment and that we therefore have a responsibility toward healthy and safe business practices that foster environmental sustainability.

Safety, health and protection of the environment will form an integral part of our management systems and decision making. The company subscribes to the principle of continuous improvement with the objective of minimising impact on the environment. We will be proactive in the protection of the environment while striving to ensure a balanced approach between our economic, social and environmental needs.

To this end the management and staff of Dekro are committed to:

  • Implement and maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, the activities of the company in such a manner, as to prevent harm or damage to people, property and the environment.
  • Comply with the relevant environmental legislation, regulations and applicable industry codes of practice and, where appropriate, implement programs and processes to achieve greater protection.
  • Establish objectives and targets for optimal environmental performance and to periodically revise and communicate progress to all stakeholders.
  • Continually improve our safety, health and environmental performance through identifying hazards, assessing risks and implementing effective controls to prevent causes and mitigate possible consequences.
  • Promoting dialogue with all stakeholders and foster awareness through informing and appropriately training all employees, service providers and contractors on safety, health and environmental matters.
  • Conserve, responsibly utilise and reduce consumption of our natural resources by developing and implementing inherently safer and cleaner technologies.
  • Develop environmentally friendly products by moving away from hazardous raw materials and solvents toward products that conform to environmentally friendly standards.
  • Prevent pollution and reduce the waste disposal burden, as outlined in our Industry Waste Management Plan, by applying the principle of “REDUCE, RE-USE, RECYCLE”. We will minimise our waste disposal volumes, by re-using and recycling resources and reducing effluent water or air emissions wherever possible.
  • Create an informed consumer by providing guidelines regarding the safe use and disposal of our products and packaging to our customers.

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