Marine Coatings

Dekro Paints provides a variety of marine paints and primers for boats, ships, pleasure craft, containers and onshore installations such as cranes. These marine paints are provided by Dekro’s own Marinecote range and through the company’s relationship with Chugoku Marine Paints.

Silicon 400

SILICON No.400 SILVER, is a silicon resin aluminium paint based on silicon resin and aluminium pigment.
Heat Resistant | Silicon

Vinyl AC-HB

VINYL AC-HB, based on vinyl chloride resin and aluminium pigment, provides an effective protection against corrosion.

Bannoh 500R

BANNOH 500, is a multi-purpose primer, which gives excellent physical properties such as toughness, abrasion resistance and adhesion, etc., and has excellent flexibility, resistance to water and cathodic protection. It is suitable for most areas of ship.
Epoxy | Primer

Epicon Zinc Rich Primer HB 2

EPICON ZINC HB-2, a high-build anti-corrosive paint, based on a combination of zinc-ASTM D520 II epoxy resin and hardener, is quick drying and gives excellent protection of steel against salt water and water.
Primer | Steel

Seagrandprix 660HS

SEA GRANDPRIX 660 HS is a tin free antifouling paint with self polishing action in service and long protection against marine oganisms.
Marine | Steel

Seagrandprix 1000

SEA GRANDPRIX 1000 is a tin free self polishing antifouling paint based on the specific polymer with highly hydrolysis activity. Excellent antifouling effect is derived from the highly active polymer which ensures maximum effectiveness and leaching of the biocides.
Marine | Steel

Seagrandprix Plus

SEA GRANDPRIX FBX PLUS is a copper free self polishing antifouling paint based on the specific polymer with highly hydrolysis activity.
Marine | Steel


EVAMARINE is an alkyd resin based paint with excellent adhesion properties, weathering resistance and colour retention. Evamarine is recommended as a finishing coat on exterior wood and steel surfaces.
Marine | Steel | Wood

Umeguard SX

Umeguard SX is a surface tolerant, modified epoxy paint. It gives adhesion physical properties such as adhesion, toughness and abrasion resistance, etc. and chemical resistance to water, salt water and crude oil. Umeguard SX is recommended for cargo hold, Inside and outside of accommodation space, Void space, Cofferdam, Engine room, Pipe line, Other steel structure, etc.
Epoxy | Marine

Acri 700

A finish coat based on acrylic resin which dries by evaporation of the solvents. It has excellent adhesion properties, weathering resistance and gloss and colour retentio. Food grade coating recommended for catering industry and can be applied directly to concrete surfaces.
Concrete | Floor | Food Grade

Epicon Marine Finish

Epicon Marine Finish, based on a combination of epoxy resin and polyamide curing agent, has high-build excellent durability and adhesion properties. It is suitable system for the external hulls and decks of steel ships, bridges and other steel structures.
Marine | Steel


Unymarine, based on polyurethane resin, has excellent gloss retention, durability and chemical resistance, etc. Unymarine is recommended as a glossy finish and is suitable for protection of concrete floors. It is suitable for protection of outside of superstructure of steel ships.
Concrete | Marine | Steel

Epicon T-500

EPICON T-500, a high build type epoxy coating, has excellent physical properties such as adhesion, toughness, abrasion resistance, etc. as well as chemical resistance to salt-water, fresh water, petroleum products, crude oil, alkalis and weak acids.
Epoxy | Marine

Epicon T-800

EPICON T-800, a high-build type phenolic epoxy coating, has excellent physical properties such as adhesion, toughness, abrasion resistance, etc. as well as chemical resistance to salt-water, fresh water, petroleum products, crude oil, alkalis and weak acids.
Epoxy | Marine

Marine Thinners

A subsidiary of Dekro, the Marinecote banner is used to market all our own marine products which include the following specialist applications:

  • Anti-fouling paints
  • Oleoresinous paints
  • Epoxy coatings
  • Polyurethane coatings
  • Zinc coatings
  • Vinyl paints
  • Modified Acrylic coatings

With advanced, environmentally friendly products, the Japanese based Chugoku Marine Paints is regarded as a leading expert in the supply of coatings for marine use.
